An evil, sinful, misguided murderer died.
How has the world changed?
3000 people who died in the 9/11 attacks are still dead. Their families are still mourning and not a second of their lives has been restored.
24 children have lost their father.
So what has been gained?
A lust for 'justice' has perhaps been satisfied. I say perhaps because I'm not sure that those who want revenge will actually be satisfied with one life in exchange for 3000. Already people are asking about the manner of his death. Was it too quick? Did he suffer?
Jubilation for some on the streets of Washington.
What could the alternative have been?
Here's another old saying that deserves a second look: 'Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.' Is that going to get us anywhere? Here's what I propose: 'Don't hit back at all.' If someone strikes you, stand there and take it. If someone drags you into court and sues for the shirt off your back, giftwrap your best coat and make a present of it. And if someone takes unfair advantage of you, use the occasions to practice the servant life. No more tit-for-tat stuff. Live generously.
I can almost hear the shaking of heads and accusations of 'oversimplification'.
"You're familiar with the old written law, 'Love your friend,' and it's unwritte companion, 'Hate your enemy'. I'm challenging that. I'm telling you to love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer, for then you are working out of true selves,your God-created selves. This is what God does. He gives his best-the sun to warm and the rain to nourish - to everyone, regardless: the good and bad, the nice and nasty. If all you do is love the lovable, do you expect a bonus? Anybody can do that. If you simply say hello to those who greet you, do you expect a medal? Any run of the mill sinner does that.
How can the West claim any kind of moral superiority if we live by the murderous rules of our enemies?
We don't need to 'stand idly by' and watch as our enemies attack us, instead
"Grow up. You're kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity. Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you." Matthew Chapter 5 verses 38 - 48 The MessageJust imagine for a moment the world turned upside down.
Ok maybe that's a little ambtious for now.
So maybe only your little corner of the world. Your family, your school, your town.
As someone else once said...
"You may say Im a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you will join us and the world will be as one."
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