Sunday, April 19, 2009


Prayer is tricky and I have more questions than answers about it. Telling someone that you will pray for them can sometimes seem a little too trite.
I was really glad to find out about something called the Prayer Shawl Ministry, (despite my reservations about anything that has to have ministry tagged on the end!). A shawl is knitted prayerfully, saying a prayer for the person who will receive it before you start, as you knit and before you give it to the recipient. What a wonderful and practical way of showing someone God's love and of helping me to pray for that situation. Of course, I immediately felt guilty, I 'enjoyed' it too much!
So here they are, my prayers for my friend whose husband died recently, too young and too suddenly, wrapped up in a shawl.
I'm also going to read Peter Grieg's book God on Mute. I recently heard him speak at the ECG conference and so much of what he said made sense.