I am so glad that this time last week I had little idea what lay ahead. Little did I know that the OFSTED call would come on Tuesday morning and they would be in school on Thursday and Friday. That news puts you straight in the zone or what I like to call OFSTEDLAND. Not a small village in Belgium, but a place where only lesson plans, observations and assessment of pupil progress records seem to matter! My family have been wonderful having put up with my physical but not mental presence for the last four days.
Yet in the midst of my self centred worry, I am reminded of God's grace, presence and forgiveness. A couple of years ago a friend of our eldest daughter was having a difficult time, we helped her and her family where we could. Sadly, her mother died in the last few days and the pain for the family continues. I was reminded of the comfort and grace that God can provide as T wore her prayer shawl during the funeral. A lesson perhaps, to let God handle things, including me.